Ubisoft not revoking access to owned games

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After receiving a backlash from fans, Ubisoft is continuing the open access option to 'Assassin’s Creed Liberation HD' for current owners.

Earlier this month, users noticed a disclaimer on the video game storefront Steam, the notice said, "please note this title will not be accessible following September 1st, 2022”.

The notice gave an impression that the service will not be accessible even for the customers who are paying for it.

Jessica Roache, senior corporate communications manager at Ubisoft, told The Wahington Post, “We don’t take the decision to retire services for older Ubisoft games lightly, and our teams are currently assessing all available options for players who will be impacted when these games’ online services are decommissioned on Sept. 1, 2022.”

The initial miscommunication received massive backlash, especially considering the fact that Ubisoft is currently celebrating the 15th anniversary of Assassin’s Creed.


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