Apple Loop: Stunning iPhone 14 Mystery, Awkward MacBook Air Decisions, iOS 16 Secrets Revealed

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 Apple Loop is here to remind you of a few of the very many discussions that have happened around Apple over the last seven days (and you can read my weekly digest of Android news here on Forbes).

When You Need To Go One iPhone Bigger

More details on the mysterious new iPhone 14 Plus have leaked this week. The handset, widely expected to be a rebranding of the presumptive iPhone 14 Max would certainly ease confusion and leave the ‘Max’ suffix for the top-end iPhone 14 Pro Max handset, allowing the larger version of the standard iPhone 14 to bring back the iPhone 14 Plus brand. The latest details on the iPhone cases show the new branding, as well as confirming other physical information such as camera lenses:

“...the image was shared by reliable Apple insider DuanRui. It shows cases labelled for four models: iPhone 14, iPhone 14 Pro, iPhone 14 Plus and iPhone 14 Pro Max… [DuanRui] has a strong track record in this area, having previously shared case packaging for the iPhone 12 lineup, which revealed the 'iPhone 12 Mini' branding that Apple subsequently confirmed at its launch event."


Reviewing The MacBook Air

With the M2-powered MacBook Air now available, the first reviews have been published (you can read Forbes’ round-up of all the reviews here). It’s looking good for Apple’s consumer-focused laptop, but it’s not perfect. The problems around overheating and throttled performance seen in the first M2 MacBook Pro are also present in this design.

"The Air will quickly throttle back the power it’s sending to the M2 chip and keep its speeds capped in an effort to keep temperatures manageable. Even then, the bottom of the computer gets considerably warm during these tests. The M2 Air’s fanless design is great for normal workloads and makes for a silent computer, but it holds the system back when it comes to more intense workloads"


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